Friday, June 26, 2009

The Evil That Men Do..

The evil that men do is what really lives on, in all the people who were hurt. The meaning of the phrase Walking Wounded has never seemed so clear to me until now. I believe in karma. The relentless cycles of escape. Sometimes I wonder, why plan for tomorrow when you might not even be alive? Nothing like life to deal you one of those neat li'l blows on the head that send you reeling and clutching for support....that is often denied. All right, I'm doing my imitation of a new age guru but it's true!!! Buddha said that attachment to worldly things is the root of all sorrow. Mebbe I should have been a buddhist...Too late for that now. Anyway, I dont look so hot in saffron.
It's raining. The Gods are crying. Why?
Note to self: Stay away from the cocaine.
Note to note to self: what about marijuana?
Despite the looks of it, I dont do drugs....Cant afford them.
There's always a song for you and me. I found lots. Let's go dancing across the ocean till we find each other again. See you on the other side,love.

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