Friday, November 9, 2007

Onslaught of the Americans

I'm in love....again. Well; the story goes like this. I was at the airport waiting to see him. I havent seen him in three years. And there he was. Dropdead gorgeous! It took me 0.5 seconds to fall head over heels. And i cant get enough of him, all ( i dont know how many) inches of him. Now before you get any ideas, I'm talking about my five year old cousin Varun who's just arrived from America.
Little kids and me...long,long BAD history. Though recently I seem to get on better with them. Maybe my gray hair attracts them and they gravitate towards my maturity. Who the hell am I kidding?! It's just that I've gotten a little less scarier after doffing the glasses. I'm told I intimidate kids my own age. Little kids are a lost cause.
Speaking of little kids, I have a fan club of my own ,back in Kerala. Two kids ( second or third cousins) follow me about all the time and require my gracious presence around them. Towards the end, I took to taking off at full speed when i saw either of them appear on the horizon My older cousins acted as sentries and warned me when I had to fly. The things I have to do!
Then there's my niece...around the same age( 5-6)! She made me tell her stories till I was dead from exhaustion. I recited the Ramayana, Mahabharata, everything else and then moved on to Sidney Sheldon etc etc...
I hate to say this but I think I'm missing school. Yech!!!! I can't believe I said that. Maybe I'll get over this. It's just a symptom of ultraboredom.

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